I have been agonizing over this "BLOG thing" for months now. What should I call it? What will I write? Who will care to read about what I write? But I keep coming back to one thing. Or, rather, many 'Little Things.' 'Little Things' fill our days, our weeks, our years, our lifetimes. It's my desire every day to notice the 'Little Things,' embrace them, and enjoy them. 'Little Things' are tickles from my girls, bubble hairdos in the bathtub, peanut butter fingerprints on my refrigerator. 'Little Things' are the smell of cupcakes in the oven, the first blossoms on the tomato plants in our garden, Mike's hand in mine as we sit on the patio after a busy day. I hope that this BLOG can serve as my memory bank for all the the 'Little Things' that so beautifully fill the moments in my days. I want so badly to burn them into my memory, into a place where I can retrieve them and smile about them one day when my life finds me in a new place. I don't know how interesting it will be for others to read these chronicles, but I think it will be invaluable to me. And maybe, just maybe, it might encourage and remind you to take time to Enjoy The Little Things in your life. We all have them. And they are our greatest gifts.
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3 hours ago